The Week That Was

My week in photos. ;)

After the rain..
Last Friday, I went to school to have my and B's clearance fixed. Had lunch with my cousin and introduced him to some of my friends. It was a very humid day (nothing new here) when it suddenly rained as we were eating. I took this shot on the way home after the skies have cleared up.

L-R: my turquoise earrings; sunset on the city; city lights; by the pool

Yesterday we headed north and spent the night at the SM Grass Residences. Ever since I bought the turquoise earrings from Baguio, I've been looking for an opportunity and a top to pair with it. Yesterday's scorching weather gave me the perfect excuse to wear my lace-y turquoise top to match my earrings. ;)

Sunsets never fail to amaze me. And I never knew sunsets in the city are as beautiful as those you see on the beaches.

I discovered something new last night: the beauty of city lights. ;) Being on the 30th floor of the condominium I was able to get a good view of the metro and I was engulfed by the sight below me. I just stood there for my minutes staring at the lights.

By morning, my mom and cousin decided to go for a dip. I passed on this one. I just basked under the sun and savored the rest of my weekend away! ;)

What have kept you busy this week?;)

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