I recently finished reading The Fault in our Stars by John Green. Yes, the title of this post is one of my favorite quotes from the book. It had been sitting in my bedside for too long and when I finally decided to take hold of it, I never thought that I'd be done in 7 hours. This book lets you appreciate love in all its different aspects. It shows you the reality of life which, as the Maroon 5 song goes, it's not always rainbows and butterflies. Sometimes, we feel that life is being unfair to us. But complaining won't solve the problem, accepting and doing something about it would. That is reality and I think acceptance would be the first step in living a good life.
In my 26 years of existence in this world, Ihave had my fair share of heartbreaks, the last one being the worst. But I've learned to come back from all of them, even when I thought I won't be able to do it. And then B came, sooner than I expected him to be and during the most unexpected time. From that time on we are taking things one step at a time, enjoying every moment we could together. It has been two years and yet we are still discovering and learning new things about each other. Those two years have not been smooth sailing all throughout, we sure had our moments as well. But it's part of what makes the journey worthwhile.
In all of this I've come to learn that for you to appreciatehappiness you must first experience its opposite. For how can you know that you're truly happy when it is all that you feel every time? Getting hurt, maybe out of your control, but the people who comes in (and out) of your life is totally up to you. Love is all about making choices, taking chances and risks and eventually liking and standing up for the choices that you made. And like what Augustus Waters said, I like my choices. I hope he does too.
In my 26 years of existence in this world, I
In all of this I've come to learn that for you to appreciate