Here's to Better Days

I have been trying to get out of this rut I'm in and be all the way strong. I have been finding ways to get me going again and so I thought of doing Friday's Letters once more because it's fun. And reading everyone else's letters keeps my mind off things.


Dear Friday, about time you get here. I'm getting tired counting how many more Fridays 'til next month. Dear Friday Morning, it was a good start huh? Dear Self, good job in waking up on the right side of the bed this morning. But please, stop being so emotional and over dramatic. Dear Workout, I am starting to like you and get used to you as the weeks go by. Let's hope from now on we go steady and stop this on- and- off relationship we have. Dear Life, please be kinder next week. This week was okay but I know you could do better. And could you be more interesting next week as well? I was looking over the pictures in my phone from this week and there was nothing. Dear Weekend Roadtrip, should I or should I not go? Dear B, I MISS YOU. Three weeks is too much, don't you think? Yes, I think you do too because you've been throwing this "tantrums" since last night because you were upset that I did not go on this on- the- spot trip to Pangasinan with our friends. Just so you know, it's kinda cute though, you throwing tantrums. ;)
Here's to hoping for a better week next week. :)