He's Back He's Back!

I declare today to be a happy day. B is currently on his way back here, finally, after two months! Now all I have to do is wait for a few more hours before I pick him up this afternoon. *getting impatient here* But that is all I could think of right now and I cannot focus on anything. LOL. You can tell I'm excited.

I Love Our Alone Time, Together

Yesterday, I went home to an empty house. And the first thing that came to mind was "Yaaay for alone time." I just finished my final exams for my summer class and in a few weeks time I will be starting my (hopefully) last semester in law school. Honestly, I don't know how to feel about it. I'm happy, excited, nervous and overwhelmed all at the same time. Okay back to my point, I immediately thought about the things that I will do. Clean the house, do the laundry, organize my closet, sleep, and blog. That was the plan. But instead this happened.

Believe it or not, B and I were on it for 7 hours. LOL. We actually used to talk on the phone a lot when we still lived an hour away from each other. It just seemed we haven't talked in ages. But I'm not complaining, instead I was like this the whole time.

We talked about everything from the most important to those non- sense things. A lot of thoughts have been going on in my mind lately, it's like a party scene inside my head and I felt relieved and happy after talking to him. He always knows the right things to say and do. #LuckyMe. When he told me he'll be back soon, my immediate reaction was when when when? I think this was me then.

I can't wait for him to come home, just a few more days and he'll be back. I swear this is how excited I am. ;)
So, I guess I'll have to do all the things I had planned on doing yesterday today instead. It will be one busy Sunday for me. Happy Weekend lovelies!

I Love Me Some Retail Therapy

We were dismissed early from class today, so my friend and I went to the mall to grab some lunch and talk. The boys are out of town (her boyfriend went home to Bicol and B is in Pangasinan) so we thought we should take this time to enjoy ourselves. Over lunch, we talked about the "grown- up" stuff. And it got me thinking that because of all the responsibilities that we have to do, sometimes it sucks to be an adult. But it's all part of growing up and there is no choice but to face it. After eating, we wasted time walking around and the impulsive shopper in me decided I want need a new sandals.

I've been eyeing on a different style, but they don't have it in the color that I like. But I'm happy with this one. Living in a tropical country gives me an excuse to wear sandals all- year long right?:) Besides, shopping always makes me feel better. And I needed to take my mind off things and the stress of adult life.

You Don't Get to Choose If You Get Hurt... But You Do Have Some Say in Who Hurts You

The Fault in our Stars

I recently finished reading The Fault in our Stars by John Green. Yes, the title of this post is one of my favorite quotes from the book. It had been sitting in my bedside for too long and when I finally decided to take hold of it, I never thought that I'd be done in 7 hours. This book lets you appreciate love in all its different aspects. It shows you the reality of life which, as the Maroon 5 song goes, it's not always rainbows and butterflies. Sometimes, we feel that life is being unfair to us. But complaining won't solve the problem, accepting and doing something about it would. That is reality and I think acceptance would be the first step in  living a good life.

In my 26 years of existence in this world, I have had my fair share of heartbreaks, the last one being the worst. But I've learned to come back from all of them, even when I thought I won't be able to do it. And then B came, sooner than I expected him to be and during the most unexpected time. From that time on we are taking things one step at a time, enjoying every moment we could together. It has been two years and yet we are still discovering and learning new things about each other. Those two years have not been smooth sailing all throughout, we sure had our moments as well. But it's part of what makes the journey worthwhile.

In all of this I've come to learn that for you to appreciate happiness you must first experience its opposite. For how can you know that you're truly happy when it is all that you feel every time? Getting hurt, maybe out of your control, but the people who comes in (and out) of your life is totally up to you. Love is all about making choices, taking chances and risks and eventually liking and  standing up for the choices that you made. And like what Augustus Waters said, I like my choices. I hope he does too.

The Women in My Life

To my mommy, thank you for everything I am and I have. Without you I am and I will have nothing, it may be cliche but it's true. We may not agree about everything and you may not see me often but always remember that I love you to bits and pieces.

To my lola, you (and Tatay) took care of me when I was a baby because my parents had to work. I grew up being spoiled by you and Tatay being your first born grandchild. I could still remember you swinging me in your dress and then you would braid my hair afterwards and Tatay always had something for me when he arrives from work. Now even though you're living in Anaheim (it's my cousins turn to be taken care of. LOL) and Tatay is up in heaven I will forever remember those memories because they are fondest memories I have of my childhood. Thank you, Inay for being the best grandmother one could ask. I love you both, Mommy and Inay. Happy Mother's Day! :)

Why I Love Weekends at Home

So far the weekend has been good to me. Last night I started watching a new series called Da Vinci's Demons while B and I exchange those silly kind of messages. You know, those kind of messages that you send to that person you terribly miss. ;)

Today has been a quiet and steady kind of day, which is good. I woke up and cooked breakfast, cleaned my room and finished my laundry in the morning. And now I have plenty of time in my hands. I planned to study after I had lunch but ended up browsing your lovely blogs, don't blame me, blog hopping is just so addicting. :) After that I decided to try this recipe I found on Pinterest. While sipping this blended coffee I texted B out of the blue (because that's what we do when someone suddenly realizes or thought about something) saying that I realized I wanted to do a lot of things. Blame that on Pinterest.

And now, as I am typing this very random blog post, I am currently waiting for my mom to finish cooking her  spaghetti (it's her specialty). It smells so good from where I am and it's making me hungry. That's why mothers are the best. On that note, Happy Mother's Day, Mommy!:) Okay promise I'll try my bestest to study after the spaghetti. ;)

Life is good, isn't it?

Here's to Better Days

I have been trying to get out of this rut I'm in and be all the way strong. I have been finding ways to get me going again and so I thought of doing Friday's Letters once more because it's fun. And reading everyone else's letters keeps my mind off things.


Dear Friday, about time you get here. I'm getting tired counting how many more Fridays 'til next month. Dear Friday Morning, it was a good start huh? Dear Self, good job in waking up on the right side of the bed this morning. But please, stop being so emotional and over dramatic. Dear Workout, I am starting to like you and get used to you as the weeks go by. Let's hope from now on we go steady and stop this on- and- off relationship we have. Dear Life, please be kinder next week. This week was okay but I know you could do better. And could you be more interesting next week as well? I was looking over the pictures in my phone from this week and there was nothing. Dear Weekend Roadtrip, should I or should I not go? Dear B, I MISS YOU. Three weeks is too much, don't you think? Yes, I think you do too because you've been throwing this "tantrums" since last night because you were upset that I did not go on this on- the- spot trip to Pangasinan with our friends. Just so you know, it's kinda cute though, you throwing tantrums. ;)
Here's to hoping for a better week next week. :)

BC Bloggers

How do you guys get people to read your blogs? Swapping buttons, exchanging links, joining blog hops, hosting giveaways are just some of the ways to meet new friends in the blogging world. I don't know about you but I am thrilled every time I open my email and find new messages from you guys. I love meeting new friends. That's why when I read about BC Bloggers, it got me interested. 

What is BC Bloggers?
BC Bloggers is a link exchange program to help new bloggers put out their blogs. It was founded by Paula, a stay- at- home mom.

If you want to learn more about BC Bloggers and how it works, check out Paula's blog here. K?K!;)

How to Wear Them Skater Skirts

Yesterday was a good mail day. The package I was expecting finally came in. :)

I ordered these Skater Skirts online. When I saw these skirts I knew I had to get them, especially when they're on sale. Who doesn't love a good deal right. I could just not let that chance pass without taking advantage of it, would you?:)  I got the black and the off white.

Since wearing jeans is not really happening for me this summer this sale is perfect timing. I love the skirts because they feel very comfortable to wear, made of thick cotton so it's light, and flirty and flowy and all things a girl would love on a skirt!:) Is it obvious that I am too excited to wear them? Haha. And guess what I did right after opening the package. Yes, of course I went to Pinterest (where else) for ideas on how to style it. And here are some of my favorites. 


I actually like the first look because it's decent enough to be worn in school. The second one is fun and I think I would wear it on a day out with friends. Now the third one I think is really cute and sexy. That's something I would want but I know B won't approve because according to him, it's too sexy. You see he does not tell me what to wear, but he DOES tell me what NOT to wear. LOL. If I would wear my skater skirts here's how I would wear them.

Skater Skirts
How would you style your skater skirts lovelies? I wanna know. :)